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Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)

Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)

The Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen is undertaking a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study to plan for additional sanitary sewage capacity to service the Village of Havelock. Additional capacity is required to support growth forecasts to 2041 and beyond. The study is being conducted according to the requirements of a Schedule ‘C’ project under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015). 

PIC No. 1 introduced the project as well as servicing alternatives. It was identified that the existing Havelock WWTP is to be expanded. 

The preliminary design concepts for the Havelock WWTP have been identified to:

  • Meet future servicing requirements,
  • Increase operating flexibility and reliability, and
  • Meet current industry standards and best practices

The Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen (Township) and the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) are undertaking a Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) to plan for additional sanitary sewage treatment capacity to service the Village of Havelock.

Additional capacity is required to support growth forecasts to 2041 and beyond.  The existing Havelock WWTP (719 Old Norwood Road, Havelock), which services the community, is nearing its rated capacity and may not be able to accommodate additional sanitary flows for planned development.

The MCEA will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Schedule ‘C’ projects as defined in the MCEA planning process (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, and 2015), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The Notice of Commencement for the project was mailed out in August 2021 to notify key Agency stakeholders of the project.

Notice of Commencement

Public Information Centre #1

A virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) presentation has been pre-recorded and is available here to view at your convenience. Please take some time to watch the recording to learn about the background information on the Havelock WWTP and the need for infrastructure upgrades, the Class EA study process, the steps taken to date to select a preliminary preferred alternative solution and the next steps to be completed in the future phases of the project to develop and evaluate alternative design concepts to implement the preferred solution. 


Public Information Centre #1 Video


Additional materials are available for your use:

Notice of Virtual Public Information Centre #1

Public Information Centre #1 Presentation Slides

Public Information Centre #1 Presentation Transcript

Public Information Centre #1 Comment Sheet 


Project Team:

Amber Coupland
Operations Manager/Project Manager
Ontario Clean Water Agency
613-472-2131 ext. 3

Erin Longworth, M.Eng., P.Eng., PMP
Consultant Class EA Lead
CIMA Canada Inc.
519-772-2299 x 6250

Schedule "C" Class Environment Assessment

The Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen is undertaking a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study to plan for additional sanitary sewage capacity to service the Village of Havelock. Additional capacity is required to support growth forecasts to 2041 and beyond. The study is being conducted according to the requirements of a Schedule ‘C’ project under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015). 


The preliminary design concepts for the Havelock WWTP have been identified to:

  • Meet future servicing requirements,
  • Increase operating flexibility and reliability, and
  • Meet current industry standards and best practices. 



Public Information Centre Notice

Public Information Centre No. 2 Presentation Transcript

Havelock Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Presentation 


The second PIC 

Date: November 8th, 2022
Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Location: Lions Hall, Havelock Community Centre
39 George Street East, Havelock

Public consultation is an integral component of this project. You are encouraged to attend the Public Information Centre material and provide your feedback, questions or comments.

Comments received through the course of the study will be considered in finalizing the preferred solution If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the following individuals listed below:

Amber Coupland
Operations Manager/Project Manager
Ontario Clean Water Agency

Mina Yousif, M. Eng., P. Eng., PMP
Consultant Project Manager
CIMA Canada Inc. 

This notice was first issued on October 11, 2022.

The Township of Havelock-Belmont-Methuen has completed a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study to plan for additional sanitary sewage capacity to service the Village of Havelock. The additional capacity is required to support growth forecasts to 2041 and beyond. The study was conducted according to the requirements of a Schedule C project under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (October 2000, amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015).

The capacity of the Havelock WWTP has been exceeded multiple times during wet weather flow conditions. The facility is intended to receive septage, but existing capacity constraints limit the amount of septage that can be treated at the plant. Furthermore, projected growth in the community will result in additional flows which will exceed the plant’s rated capacity. 

The Class EA process included an assessment of alternative solutions to address existing capacity constraints and provide capacity to service growth. The preferred solution identified was to expand the Havelock WWTP. Design concepts for the preferred solution were evaluated. The preferred design concept involves using one of the abandoned lagoons for raw sewage equalization and expanding the existing processes at the WWTP to increase the rated capacity of the facility.

A phased approach for implementation was recommended. Phase 1 includes retrofitting the lagoon for raw sewage equalization. This would improve the ability of the WWTP to manage wet weather flows. Phase 2 involves the expansion of the WWTP, which would support projected development in the community.

An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been prepared to document the planning and decision making process followed during the Class EA study. The ESR is available online for public review at the link below.


If you wish to review the report in hard copy, please contact one of the Project Team Contacts listed in this notice.

Through this notice, the ESR is being placed on the public record for a 30-calendar day review period. Interested persons must provide written comments to the project team within the 30-calendar day review period beginning on April 27, 2023 and ending on May 26, 2023.

The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has the authority and discretion to make an Order under Section 16 of the Environmental Assessment Act. A Section 16 Order may require that the proponent of a project going through a Class EA process:

  • Submit an application for approval of the project before they proceed; or
  • Meet further conditions in addition to the conditions in the Class EA.

The public can ask the minister to make a Section 16(6) Order if:

  • They have outstanding concerns that a project going through a Class EA process may have a potential adverse impact on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights; and,
  • They believe that an Order may prevent, mitigate or remedy this impact.

If the public wants to request a Section 16 Order for a project, on the grounds that an Order may prevent, mitigate or remedy potential adverse impacts on constitutionally protected, Aboriginal and treaty rights, you must make the request before the public comment period is complete. Additional information on how to request an Order can be found under the following link: 

The request to issue a Section 16 Order must be made to the Project Team within the 30-day comment period following issuance of the Notice of Completion. The request should be sent in writing or by email to:

Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 2J3 

Director, Environmental Assessment Branch
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1st Floor
Toronto ON, M4V 1P5 

Requests should also be sent directly to the Project Team members listed below by mail or by e-mail:

Amber Coupland
Operations Manager/Project Manager
Ontario Clean Water Agency 

Mina Yousif, M. Eng., P. Eng., PMP
Consultant Project Manager
CIMA Canada Inc. 

This notice was first issued on April 27, 2023.


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